subota, 1. siječnja 2011.


In the town of Konjic, in the area of the site of the former military industry "IGMAN» KONJIC on the right bank of the Neretva River, there are three camouflage the building to enter the subject property was built in the interior mountains, above which there is a mountain Index. The building is called ARC, which expresses the military terms "army RESERVE COMMANDS". The facility consists of three parts: 1st The outer part (overhead), which consists of three buildings, like cottages, and primarily serve to camouflage the three entrances to the building, 2nd The tunnels that connect the outdoor and protected part of the facility and also have the function to absorb a nuclear attack, 3rd Protected part of the building (protected air conditioning and other systems), where a total of 21 built-in system, and that all together, a regime of work and technical maintenance of the facility. All these systems are still operational. Building No.1 at the same time would have been the residence of Tito, and overhead.Building No. 2 would be used to accommodate the manpower to physically guarded the building. Building No. 3 would be used to house technical personnel that takes care of the house. The main purpose of the object D-0 was to accept, accommodate and protect the Supreme Command Staff, the narrower part of the Presidency and the Government of Yugoslavia, that they provide optimal conditions for the operation, command and control ground indefinitely in crisis situations and in case of threat of nuclear attackYugoslavia. Construction of the facility began in March 1953, the decision of the military leadership of the former Yugoslav People's Army, JNA. For twenty-six (26) years of lasting work on building this facility in the utmost secrecy, so that the citizens of Konjic municipality did not know how to build this facility in their immediate vicinity. Property "ARC" was labeled "the most rigorous state secret", which in itself speaks to how much secrecy is built and how little people knew about it. 1979. the facility was officially handed over to the crew of the former JNA, which consisted of 16 military personnel. (By ethnicity: 9 Serbs, Bosniaks and 4 3 Croats). Area Workspace in the house is about 6400 square meters. The fact, that the functional duties of only four (4) General Army had authorization to enter into this building, in itself says enough. Fact, approval for entry into the facility had only and exclusively, Chief SSNO, the Chief of General Staff of Yugoslav Army, the First Chief Directorate of Security and Chief SSNO connection. As additional facilities, and within this, they were objects in the surrounding hills around the "ARK" and: Index, Kiser and Borašnica, where they are located radio-relay hub for the entire territory of former Yugoslavia. Unfortunately, the aforementioned additional objects in the course of the war years (1992-1995) destroyed by Serbian paramilitary units. For the construction of the building "ARK" spent four billion and 600 million (4,600.000) U.S. DOLLARS and the time this item was presented the third largest investment in the JNA military purposes. The capacity of the protected area of the building "ARK" is that it can accommodate 350 people for an unlimited time, where they are to safety from nuclear attack of 25 kilotons, while the same are the optimal conditions for life and work with a constant air temperature is 21-23 degrees Celsius and relative humidity air from 50 to 6o per thousand. The facility is located underground at the deepest point, 280 meters. Otherwise, as we have noted, the protected part of the building is shaped like a horseshoe (see attached sketch of the building) and make it 12 blocks of functionally related. Because of this protected part of the building has two entrances. Entering the building no.2 first encounter with the block number 7, which represents a kitchen-dining block. The following are blocks 10 and 11 (on the left or right side of the corridor). In block 10 are tankers with oil and aggregates. There are two tanks, each with 25 tons of oil and still is a living tank with 2 tons of oil.(For one hour in the house requires about 200 l of oil). Further, there is a system for fire protection with 10 bottles of 24, 2 kg of halon, which is automatically activated to fire in case of a possible fire. There are also filters for purification of heating, these 10 pieces impeccably clean, battery cells, a control box for the block 10, engine brand "Torpedo", which is used for auxiliary power connections and resources for the duty holders of non-stop up. The unit is 45 kW. Further, there are 2 sets of backup power facilities of 560 KW, as well as the command table for 2 sets. Exhaust from the engine is precisely wrapped the entire length of the narrow asbestos. The block 11 is potable and technical water for the facility. There are facilities for drinking water, domestic water facilities and a pool of 170 cubic meters of water. It should be noted that all the facilities and instruments installed in the house brand "Rade Koncar", "Siemens", "Iskra". The block 6 is an automatic exchange of 350 numbers. There is a radio-relay center for military dimensions located around the Cavalry: Index, Kiser and Borašnica, through which the connection is realized with the entire former Yugoslavia. Further, there is the Center for wire connections, the digital center with teleprinter T-100, brand "Siemens", located in several rooms. In Block 9 is located centrally air and workshops for the technical maintenance of the facility. There is a dashboard for monitoring pressure, the complete set of tools for technical maintenance of the complex in wall cabinets. In addition to the instrument panel is located on the floor system to monitor possible nuclear attack in the house. There are hosted and refrigerating machine to refresh the air throughout the house. During that block, there is a forced exit from the premises of heavy metal door closed behind them are steel stairs that come out of the military datum "Index", 170 meters above the building "ARC." The block 8 is also housed equipment for air conditioning. Central air and air-dropped block 8 is alternately every 6 hours. They have 4 fan power 30 KW. At the door to turn on and off the scheme drawn beyond which there are numerous switches. The scheme clearly describes their usage. There are 2 transformer stations that are alternately put into operation. In a separate section (unit) is a system of nozzles for cooling the air. Block 5 is designed for Stabna and conference rooms. In several Štabnih hall located vertical boards to read and draw maps. The larger hall is Štabskoj management table for managing the relationship with all 6 of the former Republic of Yugoslavia. There is a gym for the Chief of Staff cabinet equipped with furniture and bed to bed rest and possibly made of solid wood. Then follow two amphitheater, bigger and smaller. The larger amphitheater with a semi-circular seat, central table with seats and a complete sound system, located at the lowest elevation in the ground. Specifically, the lowest point of the building "ARC" is right here, and to 280 meters below ground. Block 4 is designed for the home and the rooms are furnished for two or four people. The rooms have beds (some are bunk bed), cabinets, desks and chairs. There are over 100 such rooms intended solely for sleeping. Block 8 represents the presidential bloc. All bedrooms are intended for the highest military leadership are also equipped with the same size, and that part of the facility is located at a level of about 200 meters underground. Bathroom and toilet with shower facility with the bedrooms. Right out of the water levels (around 30) for offices, work spaces and bedrooms largest political leadership with the President of the State (Josip Broz Tito). First you enter the premises of the Secretary-chief of staff, from those in the waiting room (room for meeting with clients) with twenty seats, and then get out of it enters the cabinet of the President of Yugoslavia. From the cabinet (again, in the form of a horseshoe) returns to the bedroom of President Tito, hence the toilet, bathroom, corridor with wardrobes for clothes, etc., then it follows Jovankina separate room with toilet mirror, table and chairs, and from it can be circularly enter into a working cabinet and prime room (Jamal Bijedić was then), and from his premises within the circle and enters the premises of the Secretary (mentioned at the beginning of this sentence). Behind all this there are rooms for keeping war plans with the seals on the doors, which are removed only in case of war or as otherwise provided in the plans. In one of the cabinets was placed a large steel safe, whose traces are still standing today, and they drove through the necessary exit from the building, across dimensions "Index" above the building, members of the JNA who were employed at the facility. At the beginning of the aggression (1992.g) they, along with materials they have managed to get away, fled to datum "Index" where they waited for a helicopter which had fled to Belgrade and took this material with you. It's just a JNA officers of Serbian nationality, while the officers of the Croatian and Bosniak and saved the rest of the mining facility which has been planned and have placed mines on the key points of the object. With these premises are the premises of the intelligence that is non-stop listening in on all conversations, recorded and transmitted to the competent officers. It is because of extreme strategic importance, the war in 1992 the area was bombed Cavalry 7 aircraft of the former JNA. Fortunately no avail, because they are members of the Territorial Defence of the Cavalry shot down 5 aircraft. The block is located No.10 diesel power plant with two tanks of 25 tons, from which, via a daily reservoir, fed by generators that are located in another room and used for building alternative power electricity. There are two sets of German brands Piler, power 560 kW, which is the cessation of electricity to the city's network automatically, for 18 seconds, turn on and take power facility. Property "ARC" currently belongs to the Ministry of Defence FBiH and only with the approval of the competent Ministry may be visiting. There is no use or use of property for any purpose, even though all the instruments and machines in the building work as if it resides in it. Constant temperature, as indicated above, the entire house is 21-23 degrees.